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KazAsstrophe Hi-Res Download
The last thing Kaz said, after finishing four enemas in a row in KazAsstrophe, was that she might want to do it again the next day. With bonus material, this video is a whopping
Hour and 56 Minutes Long at the regular price!
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Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%
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KazAsster Hi-Res Download
Kaz went to the beach, but it was too cold for swimming. She gave up on the sun and sand and went to The Collector's house for a lot of high-volume enema fun! With the bonus material, this video is
a whopping Hour and 56 Minutes long at the normal price!
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Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%
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Kaz's Korner Hi-Res Download
Once again, our fun-loving girl made the mistake of going to the beach when the weather was simply awful. And, once again, she found something else to fill her time...and her colon.
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Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%
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Kaz's Kleanout Extended-Length Hi-Res Download
Kaz went to the beach, the weather was crap and she decided to pass the time another way. Check out the previews for a nice surprise from The Collector!!!
You get enough bonus footage to make the total time 3½ hours at no extra cost!
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Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%
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Kaz Hi-Res Download
Kaz is a twenty-something English stunner from London. She said she'd had enemas before, but when we met at her place in London, she brought out the little 8 oz. squeezebulb she'd used. We produced a 2-quart bag and said, "That's not an enema. THIS is an enema!" Then, the fun began!
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Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%
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Kaz and Rogue Rose in "Lost Weekend" Hi-Res Download
Once again, Rogue Rose and Kaz found themselves with The Collector's kit at their disposal and nothing else to do. They decided to have a good, healthy cleanout and some fun while they were at it.
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Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%
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Kate Hi-Res Download
Kate was an enema virgin, fresh in from Australia and wanting to try new experiences. The Collector certainly had a new experience for her to try. And, lo and behold, she liked it!
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Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%
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Kara Hi-res Download
Kara was the most enthusiastic enemate we'd found to date when this video was filmed in 1999. A college student, she was young and uninhibited. She was an enema virgin when we found her, but we cured that in short order.
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Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%
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Kali Hi-Res Download
Kali, an enema virgin when she came to The Collector, is a professional ski racer from Aspen, Colorado. If you like the tall, blonde, athletic, Nordic-type, you'll love this EXTRA-LENGTH video, creatively edited so you'll see a lot of clear water expelled, but no scat.
Market price:
Our price: $14.99 (€ 13.04), save 12%